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Saturday - Feb. 1, 8 ,15 ,22


10 - Grace 1, 8,  (15, 22 Zoom)

10:30- Claire - Feb. 1, 8 ,15 ,22

11 - James - 15

11 - Tony - 22

11:30 - Jason - 15, 22


break â€‹â€‹


1:30 - Tony - 1. 8

1:30 - Alex 22

2 -3pm - Rohit - Feb. 1, 8 ,15 ,22

3pm -Norah - Feb. 1, 15 ,22

3pm - James 15 ?



Sundays -  Feb. 2, 9 ,16 ,23


12:00-12:30 James - 2, 23

12:30 Justin - 9

1 Ken - 2

1 - Kei - 16, 23

1:30 - Hannah - 2

2 - Ken - 16



Lesson Info


West Valley Music

300 W El Camino Real, Mountain View 94040


​Lesson Pricing 


$47 - 30 minute sessions
$67 - 45 minute sessions
$87 - 60 minute sessions


Regarding Lesson scheduling revisions for all students:


Please pay promptly your first lesson of each month.  I will be able to accommodate lesson reschedules and/or make ups with at least one week notice. Otherwise, you will be billed for the missed lesson.


Schedule form for your monthly lesson


​Join Zoom Meeting


*Lesson Materials students should have a metronome and pencil


Online Metronome

All State Audition info​

Vandoren Website

Circle of Fifths Sheet

Clarinet Fingering Charts

Clarinet Scales - print

Clarinet Arpeggios  2 octaves - print

Major and Minor Full range Arpeggios

Clarinet Thirds Patterns - 

Clarinet Fingerings charts - 

Clarinet Alternate Fingerings Throat Tones

Clarinet Alternative Fingerings  Upper Register

Clarinet Alternative Fingerings Altissimo Range

Rose Etudes - Clarinet

Rose Tracks

Modulating Fingers

Clarinet City

Vibrato Exercise

Sax Arpeggios and Thirds - print

Sax Fingering Chart -print

Harmonic Warm Up

Altissimo Range​

Lesson Warm Ups

Lesson Folder

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